Thursday, January 7, 2016

Update on posting!

Okay, so as most people who know me, know that I just finished building a house, everyone who knows me also knows before my house was one month old we had a pipe burst in our unfinished upstairs, which then flooded into our downstairs, which then flooded into our downstairs, so we ended up having water damage in ever single floor of our house. We called a restoration company, and they came and tore out walls and ceiling and took out some of the floor. Then they set up these huge fans and they were on for hours and hours on end, even over night. It was loud and you couldn't have a conversation with anyone, at any volume except for yelling, it was even worse at night. Even behind closed doors you could still tell if there were three fans or all five running upstairs. And on camera it was impossible to get any sound onto recording and it sounded like you were standing in a wind tunnel. So yeah, that and with me turning 18 I have mountains of paperwork, from Eagle Scout papers to draft papers, I have pages and pages of it. I know it's no excuse, but that's been my huge recent struggle, since I can have legal consequences if I don't do it.

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